Another Reason to Drink
Welcome to Another Reason to Drink podcast! We’re just two guys cracking open cold beers, sharing hilarious stories, and telling jokes that’ll keep you laughing. This is what we love to do—so grab a drink and kick back with us! Whether you're enjoying a brew or just here for the fun, we promise you'll have a good time.
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Another Reason to Drink
Swallow, my Ricky
Ever found yourself caught in a windshield wiper mishap or wondered how a pineapple undertone ends up in your beer? We kick things off with a comical personal story about washing trucks at the crack of dawn and a memorable windshield wiper misadventure, setting the stage for our flavor-packed exploration of Jackie O's "Ricky," an American Golden Ale with a surprising twist. From there, we turn our attention to the Kentucky Old-Fashioned Bourbon Barrel Ale, promising a bold 10% ABV experience that leaves us eager for future visits to the Jackie O's Tasting Room in Columbus. The episode is sprinkled with vibrant stories from around 4th Avenue and amusing banter about everything from Ricky stickers to the quirks of tracking our show's content.
As we navigate through light-hearted chats and weekend anecdotes, the conversation shifts to a lively discussion on bourbon barrel ale tasting experiences. Imagine the rich flavors of cherry and orange mingling with bourbon, a delight for the senses that we can't help but rate highly. We reminisce about popular rock songs and share a cheeky joke about impersonating voices, all while pondering the enticing names and prices of whiskey options from the same brewery. The episode is a spirited mix of humor and flavor, with hearty laughs guaranteed.
Not to leave non-drinkers out of the fun, we also explore the world of non-alcoholic beers, including offerings from Peroni and Michelob Ultra, with a focus on flavor rather than alcohol content. There's a playful contemplation on how non-alcoholic options might replace traditional choices, adding a humorous twist to our tasting adventures. As the seasons change and daylight increases, our spirits lift, hinting at the exciting warmer days ahead. Join us for an episode brimming with humor, unforgettable tales, and a passion for all things beer.
welcome back to another reason to drink. I'm your hostess with the mostest princess.
Speaker 1:Another reason number one show what's going on.
Speaker 3:Yeah, number one show in what 17 countries, at least in this room, yeah number one in this, just not in this country hey number one on your radio right now, right now here and now.
Speaker 2:Yes, so we got two special beers that we're doing tonight.
Speaker 3:We're gonna do I'm gonna let rick do the oh, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm pretty excited about this one, yeah, I I found this today. I found it the other day, but so're doing a Jacko's, which we've done Jacko's before. We like Jacko's, but we're doing a Ricky.
Speaker 1:A.
Speaker 3:Jacko's Ricky. I'm a little scared to say I'm doing a. Ricky, you guys might end up pregnant after this one. It's a American Golden Ale 4.5. It's a american golden ale five, four point five. Yeah, billy, you get the golden shower I feel like this this is just your urine and it's all it is. Yeah, it's really during, and I actually put it in a bag and everything before I got here.
Speaker 2:I hope it don't taste like it, no, but that's what we're doing first, and then the second part of the show. We'll get back to it again, but we're gonna do kentucky, old-fashioned bourbon barrel ale, so that's gonna be pretty nice. Um, now, this one's a lot more um, what the what is the percentage on that?
Speaker 3:because usually kentucky bourbon barrels 10 percent 10. Yeah, that's what I figured. I got a big right on. This is only a four or five 4.5,.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, this one says handmade. I thought everything was pretty much handmade, so I don't know what the deal is. I know Ricky's was. Yeah, it was fresh made.
Speaker 3:Mine feels a little warm like urine. No, no, no. I put it in the freezer for a while. It should have cooled down.
Speaker 2:I'm ready, ready, pop it open. You know, it almost looks like a Jenny.
Speaker 3:It does the old, green and white Jenny when you first pulled it out.
Speaker 2:that's what I thought we're doing, Jenny. I'd rather do Jenny than Ricky.
Speaker 3:That's actually pretty fucking good, dude. Ooh, that's pretty good, that's good. Yeah, dude, I mean it's's pretty good.
Speaker 2:Your urine's good yeah, dude. I mean it's You've been eating pineapple. It's like 15%. It has a little pineapple flavor or a fruit flavor a little bit, don't you get it?
Speaker 3:That's really fucking good. Yeah, yeah, that's really good, I do get that.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's pretty good.
Speaker 3:Jackie O's Taste Room. Taste Room.
Speaker 2:And their location is.
Speaker 3:They're down in Columbus, they're out of Columbus, right.
Speaker 2:Which isn't too far. No, no, actually, I go down there every once in a while. I might have to swing in there and check it out. I would love it if they had a Ricky sticker. Oh, they had a ricky uh sticker. Oh, that would be cool. I would love it if you had a ricky sticker. I don't want to. I didn't give you a ricky sticker.
Speaker 3:I'm staying on my side of the table.
Speaker 2:Watch out beer wench, I get shooted there I got a ricky sticker shooter. They have four locations. They have a, a public house restaurant, uptown brew pub, tap room and then coming on 4th, no, columbus on 4th.
Speaker 3:Columbus on 4th, so they must have a 4th Avenue party street. Oh yeah, you know what I mean. Like Cleveland does the 4th Avenue.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah, that looks nice. Cool Dude, I want to go there nice cool dude.
Speaker 3:I want to go. I want to go. Yeah, we're gonna.
Speaker 2:I gotta get out of this town. Gotta get out of this time. Yeah, this is pretty good though this is really good and it's a l. We did it last week. Was it last week or the week before? Sure, yeah, they start to blend. Yeah, they all do. We did a blend a few shows ago and our one or two people that listen to the show might know, but this is way better.
Speaker 3:Most people that listen to this show know what we did better than we do Because like honestly, dude, I get asked oh dude, you guys did this one. I'm like don't remember, remember. Come on, guys, we do this one.
Speaker 1:I'm like don't remember, remember.
Speaker 3:Come on, guys Like we do this weekly yeah, and like you tell me this one 10 shows ago from how like, and then they tell me the names and halftime I don't know the names of the show.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:You know, what I mean. Okay, then I'm sitting there in my head going, okay, what did we say that made that name?
Speaker 3:And yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 2:How did the pants go last week? Did he wear them anymore?
Speaker 3:No, Actually he's been sick, oh really. And when he came back, dude, he's so much thinner, I don't understand.
Speaker 2:Oh really. Yeah, really I think he had a kid, no, no, he's actually.
Speaker 1:He got me on that one.
Speaker 3:No, he's actually. He was sick all week. Today was the first day he was back.
Speaker 2:Oh, he didn't wear the pants though. No, he did not.
Speaker 3:He was just in regular sweatpants no pockets, no pockets, yeah.
Speaker 2:No pockets, no lump. No Ter pockets, no lump.
Speaker 3:Terrible, terrible. Oh yeah, it's a good thing he doesn't listen to the show. One day he will. One day he will, he might.
Speaker 2:You motherfucker.
Speaker 3:Yeah he already does.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's another mic.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he already doesn't like me.
Speaker 2:Not many, do I mean? No, not really. Anything happen this week for you.
Speaker 3:Um weekend I washed my truck and I had my windshield wiper blow off. It did, but that was about it.
Speaker 1:That was my excitement, that was your excitement. Oh, my windshield went away 3.30 in the morning, though I was like oh fuck, snow wind, yeah no it wasn't snowing.
Speaker 3:I mean Thank God, yeah. But yeah, I fucking was. I was like all right Because I couldn't get in the car wash. Why 5.30, 6 o'clock at night, dude?
Speaker 3:It's packed, it's been like I mean everywhere, oh so you did it in the morning, I did it in there. I was like get all the salt off, whatever, not that it mattered. Yeah, because it's literally a fog assault on the way to work anymore. Yeah, you know what I mean. I noticed it this morning, yeah, like I'm driving down the road and like a semi was coming by.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm like holy fog, it looked like a fog just hitting your vehicle. It just and it's just all salt. You know, I mean it just. We just destroy, destroy.
Speaker 3:The roads are getting so bumpy it's like because all because I'll hold it's bad even.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I mean it's bad yeah, um, but they say that you should, if you live in a salty, snowy area, that you should do that at least once a week to keep the salt, because it sits on there.
Speaker 3:And at my time frame between work and drive, whatever 3.30, 4 o'clock in the morning is about the only time I can get into one. But that's good, we only have one in Shard. And good luck getting one in Shard. I do see them.
Speaker 2:we went the other day I was with my brother and we tried to go. We were going to get some beer and we tried to swing into the one right next to the beer joint and it was backed up line. I'm like I'm not waiting and that's a good half an hour or more at least. At least, yeah, because they're not fast. It's not like the one that, like up where I live, that you get and it takes you. Your vehicle pulls you through. Oh yeah, all right, you got a cool one. Yeah, they're good because you could get in and out probably within like a few five minutes, ten minutes depending how long the line but the other one's already locked in.
Speaker 3:Moving, you move through and you're out. Well, yeah, but the other car's already locked in as you're going out. Yeah, you know what I mean. They're back to back. The one we have is the door closes 20 minutes later. 20 minutes later, door's open. You know what I mean I mean I sit there and jerk off the whole time. I mean, I get a full fucking shot on. I got to clean the interior.
Speaker 1:I I gotta clean the, I gotta clean the interior, you know I actually put windshield wipers on the inside of my windows so that's what broke I just hit a button.
Speaker 3:It was like that's what broke off, huh yeah, no no, it was the outside like if I was outside, if it was blowing me like that. The other day it was windy, though, no, I was driving out, it was blowing me like that the other day it was windy, though, no, I was driving out. It was just yesterday, oh, just yesterday.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was driving out.
Speaker 3:No, the blower, the dryer.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. It blew the fucking thing right off. I was just like what the fuck?
Speaker 3:I mean I'm glad it did it there and not driving down the road.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and hit someone else.
Speaker 3:No, just scratch the fuck out of my window.
Speaker 2:I can care less if it hits somebody. See how I think it's going to hit someone You're like it's a washer Windshield wiper, I can go grab it and throw it at you. You can tell me if it hurts. It's going to get that speed and be like a pole that goes through a windshield, it go right through.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that would be my luck.
Speaker 2:That would be your luck.
Speaker 3:It would kill a horse. I got to pass an Amish guy and just take out a horse. Probably would, probably yeah, but at least I'd have glue, you bet Horse glue.
Speaker 1:For people that didn't know?
Speaker 2:Yeah, used to make glue out? Yeah, they still do. Probably, they still do. Yeah, what do you think we get it from? Oh man, mine, my week it was pretty good. I didn't get to golf this week, though, oh no, no, we had a little. We had work, events and stuff, so I didn't get to golf, so you didn't get any lessons, no lessons, no free lessons, no free lessons then, uh, but they did.
Speaker 2:They ended up getting through 18, but they said it took them three hours. So I was like so it was open that long. Well, we go an hour earlier now. Yeah, so it's open, we can get three hours in. Normally, we for two. But if we're all playing I'll be like, hey, you guys want to stay? It'd be like 20 bucks a piece or whatever. And they're like yeah, and then we do the third hour.
Speaker 3:Because we normally get through like what 11? We get around nine.
Speaker 2:We get 10 to 12 to 13. 10 to 13. Yeah, in two hours, depending on how many people and depending on how much we're fucking off, yeah drinking and stuff and depends on the course how hard, if how many, you're hitting and how hard. Yeah, but uh, we, I didn't get to do that because we did that but it was a good time. You know um the work, events and stuff, but um um other than that, we made that popcorn. So I bring rick some hot popcorn that my um yeah, my brother-in-law makes like yeah I'm a maternity mike.
Speaker 3:Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:My turning like yeah, he makes it special for him but uh, it's, it's good popcorn and uh, but we make it, it's hot, you know yeah and it's amazing, it is amazing, it is.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's the best I'm not gonna lie, it is the best popcorn I've ever had. Yes, it's good.
Speaker 2:In my life.
Speaker 3:Yeah, not even because it's hot or what I mean. I guess that is it, but just the flavor it's just the flavor of it. Yeah, like this shit should be bagged and I should be buying money. No, I should be buying that for $1.50 out of the vending machine. Oh yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. Instead of this bullshit that has little flavor, yeah.
Speaker 2:With a little salt or something. Yeah, do you like it when you get the little jalapenos that are? I love it, dude Damn.
Speaker 1:They're not really that hot.
Speaker 2:No, they're not at all. They're good though.
Speaker 3:They got that butter in there.
Speaker 2:They have a taste to them yeah, and they don't even taste burnt.
Speaker 3:That's what's crazy about it yeah, because they do look burnt. Yeah, they look burnt, but they are so good they are, you get excited.
Speaker 2:I do. One guy, uh, he said that at his uh work was like man, you're not throwing enough of them little albedos in there.
Speaker 3:Dude, they're good. I'm telling you right now I'm about ready to wet down the bag. You know where I'm going with this, I know.
Speaker 2:That's why I'll be gone. My new fleshlight yeah. It would burn. But my brother called me when I was making it. He's like why are you coughing so much? I mean because when you're cooking that um peppers, right, oh, it comes out of there. It is. It is so much coming out of there, you know.
Speaker 1:And.
Speaker 2:I'm sitting there coughing, coughing. I'm coughing so hard, I'm shitting myself. I can't help it. It's like you know, and I'm like, holy shit, my ass was on fire. You know, I didn't even eat the shit and I was like man, I could not. I mean, I was like coughing that hard. It's almost like when you sneeze. It's almost like when you put some pepper on the pillowcase and then you put your girl's face in it, as you're doing her, and she sneezes and you get a nice little grip.
Speaker 3:You get a nice little grab yeah, oh Dude, you get a nice little grab yeah Dude.
Speaker 2:That's fucking funny See how I played that one in there.
Speaker 3:That's fucking funny.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you have a good time.
Speaker 3:See, my joke back in the day was like you throw a, you know when you're doing bad things with bad girls. You throw a Vicodin in the pillow when she's looking for it. She's all bent over digging in the pillow.
Speaker 2:The other thing now you can sprinkle Mike's popcorn on there.
Speaker 3:Mike's popcorn on her pillow dude.
Speaker 2:She'll be coughing.
Speaker 3:Oh.
Speaker 2:I'm sure.
Speaker 3:She'll be gagging.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but I'll tell you what man that would fucking.
Speaker 3:Rick was.
Speaker 1:Never mind, Mike was like you got to go to the bathroom.
Speaker 3:I'm like man, you're making me shit myself over here coughing, but see like I want to get, Like I want to buy a popcorn and start doing this.
Speaker 1:but I don't have It'll have to go outside.
Speaker 3:Oh, you couldn't do it, yeah, outside, yeah, oh, you can't do it.
Speaker 2:yeah, I couldn't do it, like, because this is where I'd end up doing it in a podcast room and it would stink up the whole fucking house. It would be, oh yeah, it'd be bad. It is very potent and you know when, even when he chops up the peppers how potent it is. You know, right, it just gets you. You know. What do you think of ricky's though? I mean, it's going down fast, yeah I really enjoy this.
Speaker 3:Can you swing back down for us there?
Speaker 2:real quick. They had the. I seen, ricky. Oh, you seen it on there.
Speaker 3:Yeah, a little further.
Speaker 1:A little bit more. Yeah, right there, oh yeah.
Speaker 3:Blonde, Blonde golden.
Speaker 2:Learn more. It says other, though why does it say other Dry?
Speaker 3:I don't see it being dry, Uh dry. I don't see it being dry, oh no Crisp, yeah, Refreshing, definitely right.
Speaker 2:I almost think this is like a working man's beer here, ain't it?
Speaker 3:That's what I'm thinking. I mean it's a limited release, 4.5%, it's got.
Speaker 2:Chet sauce.
Speaker 3:Limited release Chet sauce Hops. It says the hops. Yeah, yeah, malt. Two row barrel Barley, Sorry.
Speaker 2:It's good, though that's fucking really.
Speaker 3:This is really.
Speaker 2:Jason Keeper Creeper.
Speaker 3:Absolutely All day every day. Yeah, Like literally, this could be my new beer. Oh, yeah, it it literally could be my new beer.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it goes it goes down.
Speaker 3:It's only a four or five yeah.
Speaker 2:You know what I mean. It's got a lot of flavor to it.
Speaker 3:So much flavor, it's so good, dude Like I don't even know what the flavors are.
Speaker 2:No it tastes a little bit like um IPA, where you get the little bit of that fruit on there. You know a little bit, but no bitterness, no, no bitterness. Crisp your. Your tongue gets a little dry from it, but not not nothing to be concerned about, right? What would you give this? It's a 10, it's a 10, it's a 10 for me, and it's princess, princess, all day to learn more real quick.
Speaker 3:I just want to see if it was different. Oh yeah, no, yeah, it's just the same saying yeah, it's like okay I just want to see yeah, this, this is definitely a keeper, and yeah, yeah, anybody, you can find jackos ricky, ricky it's a green and whitest gold nice little irish can yeah?
Speaker 2:little. You think they come out just around this time, maybe because it said limited to the race. It did say it was seasonal yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so it might be. It could be a. Is it a?
Speaker 2:It says a golden, ale yeah golden, ale Is it a?
Speaker 3:Is it a St Paddy's type thing? Maybe possibly?
Speaker 1:Could be.
Speaker 2:Man it's good. Though it's an easy drinker Very, it goes down quick it does. Other than that I didn't have much happening in my week. The weeks go by so fast. I actually thought yesterday it felt like a Friday Because so much was going on that I felt like a Friday, see now.
Speaker 3:I hate when that happens, because now I got one more. Now you have an extra day, like I. Like it when I lose a day, yeah, you know.
Speaker 2:And I think, oh it's.
Speaker 1:What.
Speaker 3:It's Wednesday.
Speaker 1:What I thought it was Tuesday.
Speaker 3:You know what I mean. But now go the opposite way. It's like fuck, go. What do you mean? It's only wednesday.
Speaker 2:I thought it was thursday it's bad when you think wednesday's a friday. Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's, and it felt like a friday. I was ready to get out of there. I was like, let me get out of this work. See, it was my friday. It was today. Yeah, because what threw me off is like wait, we didn't even do the podcast yet and I was thinking it was friday. Right, the workload felt like a friday sometimes. You know what I mean.
Speaker 3:Yeah yeah, yeah, absolutely yeah, but um, but that makes for a long fucking week. Yeah, we only gotta go one more day.
Speaker 2:Hopefully the weekend's longest yeah, no, it ain't it'll speed up yeah, it'll speed up good I had one other thing I was going to tell you guys about. Let me see, I can't remember it now, but I'll look it up in the half show. I had something too. Oh, I know what I wanted to tell you. I was going into work this morning and I heard the song Sweet Child of Mine, okay, okay, okay, remade by who I don't know Sweet.
Speaker 3:Child of Mine from Guns N' Roses. Guns N' Roses Right.
Speaker 2:Done with this guy. I can't think of his name, but it was more like he had the guitar solo going in the back right but he had a beat to it like a drum, like so, not country, no, not country, and it sounded more like um boy band type sweet child of mine, huh, and it was the weirdest thing you know. And I was like I just listened, I was like because you know, they get to a certain point where the age is, to the point where they um can redo it without being you know. How, can you no?
Speaker 2:I don't I don't see that. It was something with the guy's name of a g, something with a g to To put in Remake. Maybe Remake down there A couple more down. That's Remix Remade. But it was weird because it sounded like a boy band kind of guy and you could hear the words real clear. He was like saying them real clear.
Speaker 3:And it was a dude though.
Speaker 2:It was a dude.
Speaker 3:It was definitely a dude, yeah.
Speaker 2:And I was like, uh, read me. I don't know if it's remade or remake our major AKA. Go down, there you go, um fly. It wasn't that flowers in the attic. No, sweet child of mine, I don't. I've never heard of that one.
Speaker 3:It could be the flowers in the attic January 25th.
Speaker 2:It was I want to say 2014.
Speaker 3:Yeah, nope, it's not.
Speaker 2:Go down a little bit or it won't go down. Here we go, here we go, keep going. I know people can't see this.
Speaker 3:We don't want to bore people.
Speaker 2:Sorry, Sorry, so Sorry sorry sorry, but I just heard it and I was like man, I can't believe, because you know it's his voice, that you know, axl, that his screaming that made it. Yeah, that makes it so good, you know, but he turned into such an asshole dude.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he did Especially later yeah later in life, life he really did. But yeah, I mean, I get it, I guess yeah yeah, he got big, got famous he got famous and back in the 80s, a lot of cocaine, whatever you know what I mean literally.
Speaker 2:That's what it kind of turned into but there's a lot of people, there's probably going to be a lot of songs. I read on that I was showing you earlier about the guy that is bringing back like creed nickelback spin right, right, which I like, that which absolutely yeah yeah, and I still don't get over. It's funny how everything's making a cycle again. You know what I mean.
Speaker 3:I still don't get on the whole nickelback hate I never did get on that like because they got good songs. It doesn't matter.
Speaker 1:It doesn't matter.
Speaker 3:I watched it, I get it. It doesn't matter what bar you're in. Everybody can say that they hate Nickelback, but when their songs come on, everybody's like it's funny.
Speaker 2:That real popular one. They had all the flying high you know. Yeah, not photographed.
Speaker 3:No, not photographed no the bigger one was oh, we all want to be a rock star, yeah, yeah, we all want to be a rock star.
Speaker 2:That was a big one. But you're right, a lot of people did hate on them.
Speaker 3:They were hating on them forever, for no reason. For no reason at all. You know what?
Speaker 2:song I get mixed up. That I think they did was the one that, Sorry, can't talk right now.
Speaker 3:My girl's in the no that was that's Hinder, that's Hinder.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but I always think they did that one for some reason.
Speaker 3:But yeah, that was gay. I like that song.
Speaker 2:That's why it's gay, All right.
Speaker 3:so real quick. Do you know what the hardest thing is?
Speaker 2:On what.
Speaker 3:The hardest part about sleeping with a blind girl. What's that? Imitating the husband's voice? That's my one joke. That's your joke for today. That's my one joke I got another one.
Speaker 2:We got another one, hey, but you want to take, we got, you know. Ricky's bad choices coming, yeah, and I got to look up, there was something I wanted to tell you other than that, you know, sweet child of mine, but yeah, the, I can't remember, but we'll go back into that. But anyways, we'll grab a nice ice cold one. We're going to grab the Kentucky bourbon, the Kentucky bourbon the night-night juice. The old fastball.
Speaker 3:The old night-night juice coming up right now, it's a classic.
Speaker 2:We were talking about this last week, but we couldn't even find the mint one anymore.
Speaker 3:The Christmas one never seen. I didn't see it, but we never seen this one either.
Speaker 2:I've never seen this one yeah and we've done a lot of their stuff and actually I've.
Speaker 3:We didn't even look into what's all in this like, so it's a beer. It says old-fashioned, so we're not sure if it's going to be like a lot of old fashions has bitters. Yeah, a little orange cherry, a little cherry you know what I mean so I'm not real sure I'm kind of excited but then again scared on how this bitters a little orange, a little cherry, you know what I mean. So I'm not real sure, I'm kind of excited, but then again scared on how this is going to all work out.
Speaker 1:It might be like whoa, it's going to be bourbon barrel, I mean they're strong regardless.
Speaker 3:Every bourbon barrel I've ever had is strong.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're always strong.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, we're going to go get an ice cold one. We yeah, okay, we're going to go get an ice cold one, we'll be right back.
Speaker 3:See, you got a nice ice cold one like we do.
Speaker 2:Famous burbon, kentucky bourbon. So I, I was picking up the box and on the box they got like a whole bunch of literature, okay, and one thing they talk about it says the kentuckial fashion bourbon. So I, I was picking up the box and on the box they got like a whole bunch of literature, okay, and one thing they talk about. It says the kentucky, old-fashioned bourbon barrel ale plays off the beloved taste of the ironic I mean iconic cocktail itself. The bourbon, old-fashioned, the seasonal ale, is brewed with cherries, orange peels and aged with fresh desiccant bourbon barrel.
Speaker 2:Or yeah desiccant bourbon barrels? Sure, yeah, enjoy notes of vanilla, caramel, dried fruit and spices, with a hint of sweet cherry and bitter orange peels. So remember you. Like a lot of times they do put it orange. Do you taste it? I mean, rick, open these. I haven't tried it yet I could smell, I could smell it.
Speaker 1:I've been waiting Okay. The bottle's nice.
Speaker 2:I love how they got that glass. It has the horse head.
Speaker 3:It has the horse head on it, dude.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Now we've done multiple Kentucky, especially in the beginning. Yeah, they're always strong.
Speaker 2:You can taste the cherry, you can taste the bourbon. Yeah Well, yeah, of course. Yeah right, let me tell you. Actually dude, I like that. I got to get a little bit more.
Speaker 3:I actually do like that Wow.
Speaker 2:Yes, wow is the right, but they say that this is brewed. There's two locations One was in Lexington, kentucky, and then Grand Rapids, michigan, so I don't know which one. Visit our website at lexingtonbrewingcocom and you can buy stuff.
Speaker 3:So now do they actually have a brewery? It's just a distributor.
Speaker 2:Oh, oh, where at? Where's the distributor?
Speaker 3:Well, no, it's Lexington, or oh? They only they don't.
Speaker 2:Oh, they only sell the beverages.
Speaker 3:They don't. Yeah, no restaurant. They actually don't have a restaurant.
Speaker 2:They just make beer. You notice, every one of theirs comes in a four pack.
Speaker 3:They do, yeah, every single. Well, no, the cream ale. I've seen a cream ale in a six. All bottles, though, wow. But now what's their bourbon, though? Town Branch, town Branch. That might be worth trying, I would like to try that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, On their website they got it to where they got a rye and straight whiskey. How much is that it says by now much to buy now. It says buy now.
Speaker 3:Are you old enough to drink now?
Speaker 2:She's not. Oh, look at the one in the middle $39 for the $45 for the Pierce, pierce Parrish. Parrish yeah, because it's like pear right. Yeah, parrish, what's the blue one over there? Hand penny, that's the cheapest one, $34. Yeah, so who cares? Well, they got the rye over here, the bourbon rye. Oh, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I think I would try that pear, that one does look cool. It says it's aged for 12, and it's whiskey, irish whiskey. Oh, it's sold out. Of course 12. Of course 12 is oh boy. But you can get the seven for 45. 45, it's the same. Yeah, why is it more? I mean, why is it less?
Speaker 3:I mean 12 years, I know but 12, but they were the same price, yeah, but it doesn't make.
Speaker 2:I would go for the 12, wouldn't you? I would, but they're sold out, so I guess I would go with the seven I mean if they're both the same price, right scroll down let's see what the price looks like. They showed the price, oh sorry, no, it's more expensive for the price looks like.
Speaker 3:Did they show the price oh?
Speaker 2:sorry. No, it's more expensive for the 12th. I was going to say it'd have to be more expensive for the 12th. Dude, can we buy?
Speaker 3:that right now.
Speaker 2:I don't know. Go ahead, do it, get me some coin.
Speaker 3:I think I would like to try that Because I always wanted to know what they do there. So do they make all their beer in them? Oh, I bet you, after after they make their whiskey, they might Like I kind of wondered you know what I mean? Like where they get there, Cause everything they have is bourbon barrel. Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know, they kind of got yeah. Everything they got. The bourbon barrel L, they only have the one. Wow, they only can buy one. They have a whole bunch, but that's the only one. They. What the hell is that? Bourbon and cherry cola? Wow.
Speaker 3:Bluegrass sundown. What is that Irish?
Speaker 2:coffee.
Speaker 3:Irish coffee. Oh my goodness, oh, that sounds great.
Speaker 2:Oh Jesus, that's 40 bucks. No, I wouldn't mind trying that. Yeah, we need to get off this website.
Speaker 3:Yeah, what's it say?
Speaker 2:Increases your blood sugar. This loses a foot, maybe two. That's how damn good it is Irish coffee, irish coffee, yeah.
Speaker 3:Boiling water is simply added to a delicate liquor to release the flavors that are almost topped with a delicate layer of heavy cream. Blue Grass Sundown is the ideal finish for a special evening.
Speaker 2:All right, we'll have to keep an eye out for that one.
Speaker 3:I'll give you a special evening.
Speaker 2:It's got cream in it. No, no.
Speaker 3:Stop it, you're up it. No, no, stop it, it's kind of what's with ricky 85 dollars quit it, it's getting expensive.
Speaker 2:Yeah, hey, all right. Okay, what do we got?
Speaker 3:here. What do we got going on?
Speaker 2:we got some good stuff we're gonna get into, um that flight thing, ricky's bad choices look at that, here we go.
Speaker 1:We got ricky's bad choices.
Speaker 2:Look at that, here we go. We got Ricky's bad choices. Her name was Ginger.
Speaker 3:Her name.
Speaker 2:She had herpes. She was a bad choice.
Speaker 3:It only burnt for a little while.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, oh, these are good. I want to pick the right order. Oh, have you ever talked your way out of a speeding ticket Once you got out of it?
Speaker 3:I had a hose in my car for other reasons.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:But I told the cop that I just bought the hose because my waterbed was leaking and I was racing back to my house. It was fucking leaking all, so I drained it out the window.
Speaker 2:That was a good one, yeah, yeah. So what's up? That's not true, but yeah, I thought it was a good one.
Speaker 3:Hey.
Speaker 1:I wouldn't let you out. I always thought it was good.
Speaker 3:So you always carry a garden hose in the back of your truck or? Whatever.
Speaker 1:I got to go, I got to do it.
Speaker 2:It's a waterbed dude, it's fucking leaking all over my car these days they're like what is it a waterbed? Yeah, they don't even know what a waterbed is.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I've seen one, though that it was funny. The guy was like the cop walked up, he goes why are you going so fast? The old ladies there going through it, and the cop was like okay, go ahead. Yeah, get going. Yeah here, do you want me to follow?
Speaker 2:you, or do you want me to give you an escort? I might try that one. That's a pretty good one. Me personally, I try to talk my way out of it, but I think I just talked my way into it. You know what I'm getting at like.
Speaker 2:I never got out of one there was one time I was in um, so you actually gave yourself a ticket. Yeah, because I was driving, uh, that we had a work car and I was driving it and, um, I actually had to take it to the shop. So I said, well, I'll just take it tonight and then drop it off in the morning. And then, like the other guy was gonna pick me up and I said, okay, I'll meet you in the morning, blah, blah, blah. So I'm driving it home and it jerks, you know what I mean. So I get up to the um stop sign and it's doing that whole thing jerk, jerk, jerk. So I just went right and then he pulls me over and says he didn't stop. I said, dude, I'm sorry, I'm trying to take this car to the shop in the morning because it jerks. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:I said, as a matter of I had to turn it off right now, you know, because it's got something wrong with it. Right, if you kept going, it would go, it was fine. But as soon as you get to the thing Now, remember this car, was it ran off of propane? Oh, really, yeah, you had one of them. Yeah, it was one of them. So it was. But anyways, to come find out there was something wrong with, um, the type of fuel, yeah, or whatever it was something with the fuel thing and, uh, when you would go it was getting pressure.
Speaker 2:But then, as soon as you stop, it was making, it went like technically I'll right okay, yeah so, anyways, I tried to get out of that. I was like dude and I said I can turn it on for you and show you know. You can tell it's not my car, it's the work registration in there.
Speaker 2:So I'm getting so he was just a dick. It was just a dick. Yeah, in my neighborhood like I, literally he's like where are you, where are you heading to? Uh, that road right there, see that house back there it's good, good thing you can be like asa yeah, they'd be hunting you down right now. Throw me out of the country. Okay, this one's a good one.
Speaker 3:Have you ever been cock-blocked by a friend?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'd say probably I would say more when I was younger, when I was younger.
Speaker 3:Yeah, back in the day. I'm sure, yeah, I know for sure, yeah, I know, yeah at least one yeah that I know and which it worked out really well for him.
Speaker 2:So he saved you, he saved me. Yeah, I, I got cock blocked a lot and uh, I'm like, dude, you want to go ahead, you know. And then I see her.
Speaker 3:Now I'm like, thank you, lord, thank you yeah, there's a reason why yeah, yeah, yeah, but no.
Speaker 2:But no, I mean when I was young, back in the day it was very common.
Speaker 3:Okay, whatever, I'll let you have her. Or we were both hitting on the same chick and I'm like, eh, whatever.
Speaker 2:I was always like I already fucked her a few times. Go ahead.
Speaker 3:I was just like you want to cock-block me? Fine.
Speaker 2:I know where your dick's at I don't want it after you anyways.
Speaker 3:Dude, did you just kiss?
Speaker 1:her she just got off of it, yeah.
Speaker 2:How'd it taste?
Speaker 3:How's my dick taste. How's Ricky taste?
Speaker 2:It was good, I swallowed. We're talking about the beer, right? Yeah, that was a good one one, and this is the last one. We'll do this one more. Okay, have you? Would you ever purchase a mail order, wife or husband by wife in my case? Would I ever purchase one, oh wait it does say would you ever purchase a mail? Or I guess you do purchase them right well, yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean in a way, right, hey, I like you I guess I you do.
Speaker 3:I've never looked into it, yeah, and I mean I've always heard that they're hot, whatever, yeah, but I don't. But I've also seen tick tocks on the old tickety talk.
Speaker 2:They'll call you man, no no, how you Papa.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, I'm on my way to the, Because you sent them the money. Yeah and shit.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's a scam.
Speaker 3:Oh, it's a scam. You know what I mean. Oh, and you're sitting there waiting at the fucking airport.
Speaker 2:With the sign.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Flowers here's my wife, and they never show up, so I don't know if I want to come over here for you. I make sure they're well in. Russia, it's 12. His consent, you crane. And as long as you pick them up in.
Speaker 1:Georgia. It's OK Terrible yeah it's fucking horrible.
Speaker 3:No, but no, I don't. I don't think I would ever. I don't know. I know I've heard of people doing it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it works out good right now I, I would probably be open-minded, you know I mean I would have to have a catalog.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you would get a catalog do they have catalogs back in the day?
Speaker 1:I think they did. Did they really, like you, know better? Homens and gardens? Like better vagina and fucking bush like better thing they got better tinnies and bush than americans than Americans. And you flip through.
Speaker 2:It's called TikTok now.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, kind of yeah, Probably. Yeah, insta snatch, insta snatch.
Speaker 2:So did you see the other day speaking about TikTok that they were talking about? People are selling their cell phones for $1,000 that come with the app, the tiktok app on it, because you can't download the app. If you have the app, it works, but you can't download it. So people are selling their cell phones stop it, no, with the app on it so I couldn't go.
Speaker 3:Well, if you, if I went and got a brand new phone you wouldn't be able to put it on. Well, I already have the app.
Speaker 2:You have it on that phone.
Speaker 3:But if I got it on a new phone.
Speaker 2:You wouldn't be able to download it Really. Yeah.
Speaker 3:No, I didn't know that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so people are selling.
Speaker 3:So like I can't go buy a bunch of burner phones and what the fuck is going to happen, just sell them.
Speaker 2:Not anymore. You can't go seeking your next wife, oh fuck, because you can't download it. But people were saying they were selling that on eBay and they were yeah, that's fucking crazy. Though, yeah, I bet you, if you Google it, like cell phones for sale, with the app, with the.
Speaker 3:TikTok app. Yeah, but it's released. Now, though, you know what I mean.
Speaker 2:They let people who had it, who already had an established.
Speaker 3:They already have it.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:I didn't realize that yeah, cell phones.
Speaker 2:Look at that iphone 14 with tiktok 22 000 10 grand yeah get the fuck out of here, dude. I did not know this yeah, so we're looking at ebay right now and you can buy one 14 pro with tiktok, you know, 50 grand. Yeah, so that's what I meant to say 10 000, not a thousand oh my god dude ricky want to sell your phone, Go Samsung.
Speaker 3:I'm a Samsung guy.
Speaker 1:I'm not like if I can get fucking 40 grand for my fucking Samsung here and I got to give up.
Speaker 3:TikTok, it's gone. Oh, I'll figure out a new way to fucking make jokes, but you thought I was lying, that's true. That's fucking ridiculous. Yeah, holy shit, an iPhone 14 Pro with TikTok, that's three grand. That one's $22,000.
Speaker 2:$50,000,. Dude Isn't that crazy.
Speaker 3:Get the fuck out of here.
Speaker 2:There's one Excellent condition $15,000.
Speaker 3:US $22,000. U fuck out of here. There's one excellent condition 15 000 us, 22 us, 22 000 dollars. How many people has bid on that? Like none. Yeah, it's not going anywhere. Well, that one's off stop it that one's offering don't fucking even do it that one I will smack my phone off your seven dollars, sweetie, I will fucking slap I will fucking skip this right off your fucking head oh my, but that's crazy, ain't it? That's ridiculous. Yeah, yeah, that's fucking crazy, that is.
Speaker 3:That's ridiculous. Yeah yeah, that's fucking crazy. That is, it is. No, that's see, if we would have known we could have just stockpiled.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if you would have known. But you know how long is that going to last? Maybe a few weeks and then before you know it. So you're stupid if you do it, yeah.
Speaker 3:You know what I mean? Ooh, that was good. That's Selena Gomez who broke her phone and has to pay 50 grand.
Speaker 2:I'll sell her one. What do you think of this beer, though, man? It's going down, ain't it, the more you get into it. It's actually very, very good it's really good dude yeah, At first I was like ooh, but not the, I enjoy this I love how you do taste the cherry, you taste the orange, you taste it all.
Speaker 3:You taste it in old-fashioned in a bottle.
Speaker 2:Let me ask you this, though If you were to pour this in a glass over a cube, put a little bit of orange peel on it.
Speaker 3:We're even just in a glass with an orange peel with an orange peel. Yeah, that would be, that'd be just honestly if you just slice an orange and threw it in. That's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, like it would be I don't know if it would be any better if you threw another cherry in it. No, it actually got 3.82 on untapped. That is very high. I would go for all day long on untapped, on untapped. Yeah, I would. So that means that you're rating this close to a nine. Eight, nine, eight and a half, yeah, yeah, yeah I mean, you have this.
Speaker 3:I don't know if it would be a princess approved because of the strong bourbon. It isn't that bad it really is, though, but every Kentucky bourbon barrel has this taste to it.
Speaker 2:If you're picking Kentucky bourbon, barrel up, you already know what you're getting.
Speaker 3:It's always a very strong taste.
Speaker 2:There's one they make that I'm like whoa, I can't drink.
Speaker 3:That cream, ale the cream.
Speaker 2:We did it once before.
Speaker 3:Yeah, go back to it.
Speaker 2:No, they didn't show all that yellow one.
Speaker 3:That yellow. I just seen it Go back to it Yellow, it was a yellow label. It was a cream, bourbon cream.
Speaker 2:But the beers only. They only show that one, the regular Kentucky.
Speaker 3:No, no, I just seen it. Oh, Bar Lunch, Beer Lunch.
Speaker 2:Doesn't know how to operate this keyboard. No, I literally just seen it, didn't they have more?
Speaker 3:They got a bunch of different beers out there, but there was a.
Speaker 2:They do show a lot of them. It's a yellow bottle. That's weird, though they're only showing one beer though.
Speaker 3:Go right there, go down there it is, it's the vanilla barrel, ale oh, I tried that, we tried that. Oh, did we have the pumpkin?
Speaker 2:Oh, I don't know if we did the pumpkin. I don't recognize that one. There's one that had a burgundy label to it.
Speaker 3:Wait wait, wait, yep, we did the pumpkin, yeah, oh.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we sure did. Yeah, Yep, we did.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we sure did.
Speaker 2:Oh, I don't remember what it was Like we said earlier in the show.
Speaker 3:Now the tangerine.
Speaker 2:I don't know if we've done that one. I don't think we've ever done that one.
Speaker 3:There was one with the burgundy label.
Speaker 2:It was at the store when we picked this up. It had a burgundy label. I can't remember.
Speaker 3:But I remember we did it, though that kind of looks like that.
Speaker 2:The tangerine? Nah, I don't think it was the tangerine. No, no, no.
Speaker 3:Now the vanilla cream, the ale. No, it wasn't no.
Speaker 2:We must have liked the Kentucky.
Speaker 3:That's cream, ale too, Like I don't, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't know about the tangerine one. Tangerine, yeah, but this one's pretty good. You want to rate it then? I mean, I see you're almost done, I'm almost done here. It dries out just a little bit of your palate, right, it does? Yeah, a little bit, but that would be expected as it being a 10.
Speaker 3:And being the bourbon on it and everything. I'm going to go nine, nine.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm going to go nine, nine yeah.
Speaker 3:I'm going to go Eight and a half, eight and a half. I'm going to go eight and a half.
Speaker 2:Let me see, let me see, honestly, yeah, I could see why Just the bourbon is so strong.
Speaker 3:Would you keep it? I would probably keep it. I would too.
Speaker 2:I definitely would keep it Just to have here and there, here and there man, this is a good night night.
Speaker 3:One night night, yeah, because it great great. Yeah, you're right night, great great 10.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I would rate this. I'll go with you on eight and a half I. I hate to always do the same, but that's a good, solid number it is, I wouldn't say princess, because in the same reason that we're rating it eight and a half over nine. Nine and a half is because that bourbon flavor, but, if you like, and bourbon might be a little too strong for some people, even if they're a bourbon drinker, it's a look I love this beer just because of the bourbon.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. It has that bourbon taste too. I know what I'm getting into. Yeah, like I know by the end of the night I'm going to be outside in the snow putting dick prints or something like that. You know what I mean. I understand what I'm getting into if I buy this. Yeah, but it's a very strong flavor of bourbon and beer mixture kind of you know what I mean, because it is a different flavor of bourbon. Like, you can take a shot of a bourbon and it kind of goes away. This lingers, it stays in, goes away, this lingers, it stays in your mouth.
Speaker 3:It lingers in your mouth. Yeah, you know what I mean. So, like I mean, you're just kind of drinking a bourbon, a 12-ounce bourbon-tasting beer, All the way down.
Speaker 2:All the way down.
Speaker 3:That's why it gets 10, too. That's kind of why I think it gets overpowering for people.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like if it would just fade a little bit, but it's kind of hard to fade it, it stays, you know, and then you drink it more, probably frequently, like compared to a shot.
Speaker 3:You just do a shot here, you're back, and then back, yeah, but like you know what I mean about a shot, though, like you can take a shot.
Speaker 2:In a minute or two, it's gone. In a minute or two it's gone, yeah. This is still, I haven't drank for a couple minutes. Yeah.
Speaker 3:And this is still just.
Speaker 2:Yep On the tongue.
Speaker 3:I need something to wash it down, because it's too much, I got Ricky. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, that Ricky was good.
Speaker 2:Fuck, yeah, it is I wanted to tell you real quick before we go yeah, that's the wrong show, that's the wrong show, um, but before we go, um, there were, oh, yeah, okay, so well, I'll do that at the end about, trust me, but, um, I wanted to tell you so last night, when I was making the pop yeah, last night was making the popcorn my brother-in-law's, on this kick of um, no, no alcohol january, where they, you know yeah so he's been buying um, non-alcohol beer, right, okay.
Speaker 2:So, oh, duels, he got the cores one. There's so many coming out, right. But he had a peroni one and I was curious. I was like, yeah, let me try the peronis, I like peronies, right, he says he can't get them down because they're very skunky. You know they're skunky and I pop it off and I'm like drinking.
Speaker 2:I'm like at first, when it was cold, I was like, man, this is very good, it's very close to a peroni. I'm like it's, it's pretty good. I could tell what he means by a little bit skunkier, maybe a little bit more bite to it. But as I went down, as it got warmer kind of like this kentucky bourbon it changes a little bit. So the colder, that was very good, very easy to get down when it's cold to me. But I like peronis a lot of people don't, right? And he's like drink as many as you want, because you know, you know. But I'm like, yeah, I like this. So I had a couple of them. But, like I said, even the second one get down through the neck of the bottle and everything like, yeah, I like this. So I had a couple of them, but, like I said, even the second one, get down through the neck of the bottle and everything like that.
Speaker 3:Yeah Well, especially if you're holding it, it warms it up a little bit, yeah, so.
Speaker 2:I was like you know, and it did change a little bit, not that it was terrible, but I could see why he would not like it as much. He said like, for example, he said man, I could get three of these old duels down compared to one of the peronies. All right, right, yeah. But then I thought you know what is the benefit of you know it did have good flavor. I could see myself wanting a beer, but then you don't want to kill you out of your liver. So you know what I mean, because a lot of times when I drink, like during the week or whatever, I never get no buzz or anything you know you have a couple beers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you have a couple beers like I don't really get buzzed, and you know. So I'm not drinking it for the alcohol.
Speaker 3:I'm drinking it more because I like the flavor that okay, so I guess next, I guess next week. Yeah, uh, my son has been sober for a good six months now if not longer, which is great for him or whatever. Yeah, but they in my him and my brother found this beer and I actually seen it at Heinen's and I can't remember what it's called. So I'll go and look whatever, and maybe we'll bring that over and maybe we'll do a non-alcoholic show. We'll do a non-alcoholic show.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'll get Peroni 00.
Speaker 3:I don't even want to do that.
Speaker 2:I don't like alcohol Peronis.
Speaker 3:But I think you just— no, yeah, I mean yeah, absolutely you don't have to drink it all, but I'll do that.
Speaker 2:I'll grab a couple different ones, because I've seen he said that recently. This one there's a Michelob Ultra came out with one yeah, a zero, and it has very low carbs. So Like 26 carbs, zero alcohol, 26 carbs.
Speaker 3:I thought they were pretty down, but that would be close to damn water huh. Yeah, I thought Michelob was already the lowest carb.
Speaker 2:It's 96 carbs, no wait. So basically they're putting a— 96 carbs.
Speaker 3:So they're putting a Aquafina bottle yeah.
Speaker 2:With a— A skin.
Speaker 3:A skin on it, it's called Michelkelob ultra zero.
Speaker 2:It's a new superior alcohol free. Yeah, so I'll see if I can find that too. What is it like? Yeah, nine, 29 calories versus 92 calories.
Speaker 3:So oh, I want to say it was like uh, these people are out of new york, I believe it'd be interesting to get that one. Yeah, I'll figure it out. They actually had it at Heinen's.
Speaker 2:Well, that's cool. So we'll do the first ever non-alcohol beer show. Oh fuck, That'll be fun.
Speaker 3:That's a good thing, that weed's legal in Ohio.
Speaker 2:But yeah, that'll be interesting. Anyways, trust me beers. So I would definitely say trust me on the Jacko, ricky. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Trust me on if you don't like bourbon.
Speaker 2:Don't do it.
Speaker 3:Don't. Yeah, look, if you don't like bourbon, don't buy Kentucky bourbon barrel. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Any of their products. Any of their products.
Speaker 1:Because, they're all very barrel yeah.
Speaker 3:Any of their products, because they're all very strong. But if you like a bourbon taste, then yeah, they are very good.
Speaker 2:Trust me Now that Ricky is very good, but it's going to be limited. I tell you, though, that Ricky can easily replace your Bud Light, your Miller.
Speaker 1:Light, yeah, because it was good. Your husband.
Speaker 2:Yeah, ricky can replace that.
Speaker 1:Especially to the blind girl.
Speaker 2:Why do you?
Speaker 1:feel so fatter I am. Why is?
Speaker 3:it so thick.
Speaker 2:What's your another reason to drink, Ricky?
Speaker 3:Oh, I had a Ricky drink. Your first ever my had a Ricky drink. Your first ever, my first ever Ricky drink. I thought it tasted great. Me too, we're not gay.
Speaker 1:He stays on his side of the table.
Speaker 2:My other reason to drink is we had a warmer day but it's I do the warmer days are coming.
Speaker 3:Oh, it's getting lighter too in the morning at night staying lighter, staying lighter. Like I get home at five quarter after five and it's still light until almost 6 30. I'm like, yeah, it's coming, you know it's all creeping back, it's creeping back. But almost 630. I'm like, yeah, it's coming, you know it's all creeping back, it's creeping back. But now tomorrow's going to suck, you know that, right? Yeah, it's supposed to rain and get cold again, right?
Speaker 2:All day.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's going to rain all day tomorrow and then at 40s 40s, but Saturday get cold again. Saturday 24 high Wow, so everything's going to be ice Freeze over again. So good luck, yeah, good luck.
Speaker 2:Ohio. Yeah, good luck Ohio. Good luck Ohio. At least I'm going to sell my phone on eBay for 10 grand.
Speaker 3:Oh, absolutely, or 55,000.
Speaker 2:55 grand dude, I'll even keep the picture on there of my dick. You should Leave. I'll even keep the picture on there of my dick.
Speaker 3:You should Leave it in there, dick pic for free, a bonus, that's awesome.
Speaker 2:This would be their 65.
Speaker 3:And then it'll be all over the internet like look at this caterpillar.
Speaker 2:He's a grower, not a shower. It's gonna be a cool winter, I like the word the stripes are what you beating on it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, okay, okay, okay, anyways, any last thoughts?
Speaker 2:Oh, fuck oh. End of the day.
Speaker 1:End of the day, we did a.
Speaker 3:Jackie-O's Ricky 4.5. It goes right down your throat.
Speaker 2:Forced or not.
Speaker 3:You'll like it, it don don't matter, you can't scream and uh, kentucky, old-fashioned, kentucky bourbon barrel, old-fashioned ale, which is, it's a mixed bag. No, it really is. I mean, if you actually think about it. I know, I know, I know you say mixed bag, mixed bag, I know, but it really is a mixed bag of drinks. It's a cherry bourbon, it kind of tastes like an old-fashioned?
Speaker 3:You're thinking of a beer. It tastes kind of like an old-fashioned You're thinking of a beer. It's a high-potent beer that if you don't like a bourbon flavor, you're not going to like this beer.
Speaker 2:Or any of their beers.
Speaker 3:Or any of their beers. Really they scored high. Yeah, it's a good beer. It was a good night, yeah.
Speaker 2:Dude, grab that, ricky, and stick it in your throat.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's good, it's good, it's good. Swallow it.
Speaker 1:Swallow that ricky good lord, I'm gonna tell him to change the name anyways, any last thoughts don't drink and drive and god bless you.
Speaker 2:See you next week.
Speaker 1:Bye.