Another Reason to Drink

Brews and Banter Under a Darkened Sun

Bob, Bill, & Rick (BBR) Season 5 Episode 15

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S5-E15, Buckle up, beer buddies, as Princess and I steer the ship solo, and oh, what an array of ales and tales we have in store! With Bobby off handling spaghetti emergencies, we dive right into the heart of our frothy quest, sampling Arshay Brewing Company's pride and joy, then warming up our palates with Hopley Brewing Company's robust Peanut Milk Stout. Amidst the cheers and beers, we dish out our signature 'likes, learns, and dislikes,' giving you the scoop on what brews to pursue and which ones to bid adieu.

Remember the recent solar eclipse that turned day into dusk? We sure do! Join us as we recount the eerie stillness and the playful snake-like shadows, all while decked out in our mandatory eclipse glasses. And when we're not looking to the skies, we're raising our glasses to the art of craft beer, rating and debating the qualities that make a pint worth a knight's ransom. Whether it's the caramel kiss of a Red Stripe or the fiery debate over a Peanut Milk Stout's true tasting notes, we've got the banter that'll make you want to clink your screens in agreement.

Finally, we wrap things up with a heartwarming huddle around the campfire of conversation, reminiscing about movies that shaped our youth and cooking experiments that nearly charred our taste buds. As we sign off for a brief hiatus, we leave you with a chuckle about the neighborly shenanigans of lawn maintenance and a solemn nod to the importance of savoring moments responsibly. So, come for the beer talk, stay for the quirky facts and heartfelt memories, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be inspired to fire up that open flame cooking yourself.

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Speaker 2:

welcome back to another another reason to drink show and your main main co-host, or her coast you done, fucked it up I know I was trying to, because he always calls me co-host, that little dick bobby yeah we are the host, bobby's the co-host yeah, yeah, anyways, it's uh princess, running the board today with my best, best friend and co-host, co-host just sitting over here you're my host.

Speaker 3:

The hostess with the mostest, or mimosas we got no Bobby.

Speaker 2:

He had to give out spaghetti dinners again.

Speaker 3:

Oh them fucking spaghetti dinners. Dude, I want his job.

Speaker 2:

I want his job. I wonder why he keeps getting fatter. He says he's on a diet, but he's always gaining weight.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, it's just like spaghetti after spaghetti, just sucking down noodles. Yeah, right, yeah, it's just like spaghetti after spaghetti, just sucking down noodles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah I'm waiting for the indictments to come in. Me too, me too. Anyways, we got it. That was the wrong noodle. Bob quit touching it. Anyways, that's my no-no area. Anyways, we're doing a great show tonight. Because he's not here. We doing rs, which is our, is Arshine Brewing Company out of Akron, ohio, which is closed.

Speaker 1:

I think it's Arshay, Arshay, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

There's no N.

Speaker 2:

Arshay. What did I say? Shane, shane, shane, yeah, arshay, but that's closed, so pretty soon. It was what it's like 6. 6.2., 6.2. Looking forward to it. We're going to do that first, and then we're going to go to this H&F's Peanut Milk Stout. So it is actually a 6.5, and it's out of what did you say, holly?

Speaker 3:

Well, it was. Of what did you say, holly? Well, it was Hopley, hopley, hopley.

Speaker 2:

Brewing Company out of North Carolina, charlotte, north Carolina.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, was it, charlotte.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we can let this one sit out because Bobby's going to drink that one. Okay, good, yeah, good. So, anyways, we're going to start with this and I hope you got an ice-cool one. Like Bobby says Ice-cool one, nice cold one, nice cold one, nice cold one for you. Anyways, we're just sitting here chilling. We've been chilling for a minute, just drinking some Red Stripe. I'm trying to prep for my little trip to Jamaica, so I won't be here next week. I don't like it. It's got a rich caramel flavor, don't it? I love it.

Speaker 3:

You don't like it, you know you don't like it, you love it I love it it's gonna take me a minute to switch my palate a little bit, but like that first sip was good, oh my it was actually like a good, that's a very strong.

Speaker 2:

You better enjoy it, yeah, because they'll be gone. We might only had two tonight. We don't know what happened to that third cant, that's good, okay, what do you want to start with? Well, we got to stay with the protocol.

Speaker 3:

Our listeners get mad right. Right, you got to do likes, learns, dislikes and all that which. I actually have one.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead. It's amazing. What is your light dislike of Lauren this week?

Speaker 3:

Rick, my like was and which I was kind of surprised, was the eclipse. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That was cool, it was cool. My surprise, or learn, was that it doesn't matter, you can block out the sun for seconds and the temperature how quickly will fucking drop like, I'm like wow like I mean like I gotta get a jacket on.

Speaker 2:

I was like wait a minute what's going on?

Speaker 3:

it's like it's been literally, oh, three seconds. I'm like what's going on? I did notice that that I noticed it get cooler. Yeah, it was crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but one thing I noticed is that the sun reflection was different from before and after, just as it was like coming into it and going out and going out.

Speaker 3:

Well, did you notice? For me all day because I was at work, but for me all day like didn't the sun just seem brighter? It seemed bright yeah, it just like you know, every once in a while you can glance up at the sun, like that day, like I could not fucking look up at the sun.

Speaker 2:

No, it was sunny, I was just like holy fuck.

Speaker 3:

I'm like is this like does it know too?

Speaker 2:

It's like I'm'm gonna blind you, motherfucker, fuck your retinas, get little spots. But I thought it was cool too. I have to agree with you it was, it was um, it was an experience experience that was up there.

Speaker 3:

It was the excitement and everything right yeah, like I I the excitement around northeast, oh Ohio was a little. You know I was just like what the like it can't be that cool, but it was cool. Now my son even told me, which I didn't get to notice whatever, but his work actually had them like put a piece of white paper out on the ground and the shadows from it it's called like snake lines or something like that yeah, I heard that like it, like they actually had my son take like a big ass long white paper so people could see it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like I never even heard that. No, they never said that on the news yeah, I've seen it.

Speaker 3:

A couple people on tiktok, yeah, but yeah, I was like oh, that that's like cool as shit yeah yeah, but he said that was pretty cool yeah, you might have to elaborate to people what what it does. So I guess it was just a shadow, like after it's leaving totality or while it's on totality I wasn't even sure, because I don't I never looked it up, whatever, but it was just. The shadows on the ground from that happening were snake-like, they were wavy and so he just got paper and put a white paper so that way you could just see it better.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've seen a lot of people.

Speaker 2:

The only thing I didn't. They were doing something with the strainer which I couldn't figure out. I didn't see that. Yeah, I didn't pay enough attention, but I did. They get my work, gave out glasses, so.

Speaker 3:

I worked, yeah, now. Now I got to ask this Did you guys have to sign off on it?

Speaker 2:

No, I know why you had to sign off on it because so many people were making a hype about that. They weren't approved, type right.

Speaker 3:

Well, no, like they were approved whatever, but we had to sign off that we knew how to use them.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, Because they didn't want to get in trouble with Exactly. I get it, you know, because some retard is going to stand out there and be like well they didn't tell me how to use them for the last seven months that we've been going through this on everything, On news and everything.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, but yeah we had to sign a QSF paper. I could see that though, but yeah they were covering their ass. I get it.

Speaker 2:

We got some, and then I ended up making it home. I was home, so was I, yeah, but you know, when the moment happened, it was so quiet, so peaceful. Everybody just went. Yeah, I was at my. You didn't even hear the chirps. Oh wait, where's the chirp button Over?

Speaker 3:

here it's so quiet Like we we did around here, because it was just me, patty and bob yeah, yeah, everybody else was gone, everybody else, the whole neighborhood was gone. Yeah, and I, I get it did get quiet, yeah, you know what I mean. But then all of a sudden you start hearing people like screaming you know, the neighbor asked me who was doing all the screaming. It wasn't us, yeah they asked me if it was you the screaming. It wasn't us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they asked me if it was you guys.

Speaker 3:

No, they were to the. If you were staring at Bobby's house, they were to the left.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that way, Like basically over this way, somewhere, somewhere oh okay, I was wondering because she asked me she goes, where are they? I was like no, they were all gone.

Speaker 3:

No, it was just me. Bobby and Patty's there. They're at the Winer yeah, all the Winers. But no, when I got my glasses and signed off on them, yeah, so I put them on over my safety glasses, uh-huh, I was like, well, how am I supposed to see when I'm driving my tow motor? Oh man, my boss just looked at me and goes will you knock it off please?

Speaker 2:

He was all mad, I was like all right.

Speaker 3:

What the fuck? Why do you? Got to be smart. I was like all the fucking time You're going to get me in trouble because someone else is going to do it.

Speaker 2:

They're going to get in trouble. You can't see shit out of them.

Speaker 3:

things, no, fuck no, you can't see nothing. You can see the sun, that's it.

Speaker 2:

That you can see the sun, that's it, that's it. But yeah, it was good. My like and learn dislike is I came across the photo that was shared today that today we went to three years ago to that barn winery in Pennsylvania. Oh, yeah, me, you, ethan Riverside, yeah, riverside. And then that's when we met Michelle, one of our long-term, long friends of the show. That was three years ago today, yeah yeah, it was a lot nicer today.

Speaker 2:

Or that day. Yeah, because it was still like this a little bit yeah, but it was nicer, it was a sunnier, we didn't have rain, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, it was three years ago today and it just, it just reminded me how, how long and the good memories that we make when we do with this show, doing yeah, this, yeah, and then how long we've been doing this we're still poor and we're still unfamous still not making any money off of it.

Speaker 2:

No, we do it to drink. We do it to drink, we get to drink a lot of good beers we get yeah, now, let me. I mean just going back that was my like because it was just a good memory, right but going back playing off of that, my palate has become and my education on beers has grown so much amazingly. Yes, it's just exponential.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and how big.

Speaker 2:

That's a big word there, man.

Speaker 3:

I want to hear Bobby. I want Bobby to say that word.

Speaker 2:

He'll fuck it up and you won't be able to say it.

Speaker 3:

X-Men the engine. Yo, no, like we have grown, yes, so much dude and our palates have changed. And then even the knowledge, just the sours, just I mean we still got a lot to learn but oh yeah, because like our knowledge, like really isn't, like we don't know that special hops, yeah, like we should we honestly after these thousands of beers that we've had.

Speaker 3:

We should pretty do some education yeah, that's a red dragon hop and it's pretty good and it comes out of the area of North Carolina. Yeah, it comes out of South Africa. They send them over here. They dry roast them you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

You dry roast it at 325 for six hours. Yeah, that's really how we should be after the thousands of beers that we've had, and then we'll lose listeners. Yeah exactly.

Speaker 1:

But we just like to drink them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And then Enjoy them, pretend that we know what we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're like this is a good ass beer. This is a damn good beer, yeah, but you when you go out with people, don't they ask you what you should drink?

Speaker 3:

It is funny. I'm like no, I don't know. I know I did it, I just don't remember. I don't remember that night. That night was a good night I remember that like what percentage is that? Was that the 12 percenter? Yeah, I don't know about that one. I'm gonna say it was good because I finished it, but other than that you finished most of them, Even the bad ones, we finished.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know there's like what a few? There's a few.

Speaker 3:

There's been. Literally out of the thousand of beers that we've had, there's probably only been what five we've actually dumped.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then can you remember the five? No fuck no, you remember. The only one you probably remember is the participation award one.

Speaker 3:

I do remember that, but we weren't even on the podcast.

Speaker 2:

No, we were just drinking, we were just drinking.

Speaker 3:

We're like oh my God. This is terrible, just because we thought it was going to be good. It was going to be good, but no, no, anything with the participation. Well, I mean, everybody gets a fucking trophy. Yeah, that's why they gave that one. That's why they gave that one out like here yeah, everybody likes a beer here we go.

Speaker 2:

Everybody likes to lick ass. Here you go. That's what it felt like, anyways. Um, what do you think? So far, this not bad, huh I actually like I like it too. I like this a lot. This is, you know. What would make this better, just saying, is if they could take a little bit of the bitterness off on the back yes, just a little yes, because the front end is like to die it's so much caramel yeah, and it's good it is a lot of caramel but you must agree a little bit on the back end.

Speaker 2:

It gets a little dryness and then it has a little bit of a I don't know like a bitter, just a little bit bitter bite. Stays with you a little bit, though, don't it?

Speaker 3:

And it's just a dry and it's dry. Yeah, it is dry. Now we've had reds. That doesn't do that.

Speaker 2:

We had one like a couple weeks ago, right, that was amazing. I can't remember that one See, no, exactly.

Speaker 3:

I just remember it was good.

Speaker 2:

See, that's why I like the app. I use the Untap app and I like that because I can go back and remember.

Speaker 3:

Was it the Shermans?

Speaker 2:

Not Sherman. It was something we got that caught us off guard right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know it was. I've gotten them since then.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you have.

Speaker 3:

It's an Irish four-pack, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

It's not.

Speaker 3:

Smithwicks, which you like. No, it's not Smithwicks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're going to make me go in my photos, it's an.

Speaker 3:

Irish four-pack Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Oh, what the hell is the name of it?

Speaker 3:

Mulligans, mulligans, mulligans, milligans. It starts with an M. Did we just do the show? Yeah, it wasn't not long ago. Yeah, it was for Irish. No-transcript.

Speaker 2:

Oh it was. No, that wasn't that road. That road was shit.

Speaker 3:

Not the North High.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was terrible, wasn't it? The carrot cake is the one we did before that one. Sullivan's, Sullivan's. That's it. See, you're taking the M the malting.

Speaker 3:

Now, that was good. That was good. Now, this could rank up with that, but that didn't have the bitter.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Now, this was actually the Sullivan's was made out of actually.

Speaker 3:

It's out of Ireland.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Ireland.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, isn't it part of. It's canned and everything but it's distributed out of Maine.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it's weird. I don't know. I didn't understand. If you read the box, it's because I've gotten it a couple times. I've gotten that one, the red and the gold. Yeah, the gold wasn't as good, it tastes the same it really does it's damn close, like to put them side by side and pour them in glass, you wouldn't know maybe pour them in a glass is different. I don't.

Speaker 2:

But now the thing I mean, the color is the difference, but I remember doing the gold. I didn't like it as much as the red.

Speaker 3:

The red is good. It's good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's just amazing to have that gold as that same flavor Close to the same flavor when you're drinking it it's gold.

Speaker 3:

Huh, huh Nah.

Speaker 2:

What's up with this? I would have never known.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I would have never known.

Speaker 2:

So you want to go ahead and rate this RS and see where we're at?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I'm going to have to go with an eight. An eight, just thinking back to the Sullivans yeah, this is a damn good beer yeah, like I want to go nines because I really love the caramel on it. Yeah, and a red. Somebody who loves reds might like this even more. Yeah, you know what I mean, just because it is a very strong red it is a strong red, but it's good it's damn good. Yeah, like I, I want to go nines, but just from what we've had, yeah, no I want.

Speaker 3:

I like I don't want to give it that high just because you know, like the other one, we did where we gave that 10, but that was yeah but it was good like, but then you got smith wicks and all right but none of. There's a lot of other ones that I don't have that taste or dryness in the back of my throat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, now like, for example, I would rate this close to Killigan's Red, a step above, maybe I would say a step above.

Speaker 3:

Dude, it's been so long since I've had a Killigan's.

Speaker 2:

Oh, really, I had one the other day and I was like mm. Yeah, it's been a while, it's not. It doesn't have that rich flavor. Like this flavor yeah, like where you were saying this is strong, it's more like a light beer, correct, correct, but does it dry you out?

Speaker 3:

I, I forget, it was. Just it's been years since I've had it killed. Then notice it?

Speaker 2:

no, it didn't. I don't think it had as much bitterness and dryness right so you go a solid eight, right, I'm gonna go a solid eight, I'm with you and since we only do it on like halves and stuff, I probably say 8.5. On this I'm not gonna say princess, because of the dryness and the bitter right, but I do love the rich caramel flavor you get in the front half and and I could drink another one with no problem.

Speaker 3:

I absolutely could yeah.

Speaker 2:

Would you keep?

Speaker 3:

this though oh, I know. Well, I don't know. I thought I'd seen a price tag on it. I know there were only four packs. Yeah, I thought I'd seen a price tag on one, I don't know. I know there's better ones out there. I would get that Sullivan's over this. Yeah, over this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know what I mean yeah, if I'm gonna pay 12.99 for a four pack, yeah, I would go. And they were sitting side by side, I would go with solvents. Yeah, now, if this is all it was there and I really wanted a red, I would buy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you know it's a good flavor yeah, I mean so that's kind of hard to say. Yeah, you know I'm with you. I probably wouldn't keep it because I know there's probably a couple other reds out there.

Speaker 3:

Smithwicks yeah, you know Smithwicks I can get a six pack cheaper. What is that?

Speaker 2:

about that Alaskan red? We liked that too, didn't we? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's up there.

Speaker 3:

So right, there's cheaper than buying this this is done, though it's good. I'm not going to lie, no, I mean the place is good. Yeah, the place is no longer in Akron, they shut down, so it's not like we're going to be able to buy it anyways, and if you do find it, you might want to check the date and if it's still good, drink it, because you're not going to experience it before.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I mean, it's not bad beer. I'm not going to lie, we drink it all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's a big can, though I'm about a quarter down. So one thing you want to do the what is it story time stuff, or you want to wait Are. Do the what is it story time stuff, or do you want to wait.

Speaker 3:

Are we going straight into that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's go or do you want to do things, they don't teach you in school for a second, whatever you want to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's do things they don't teach you, and then we'll do this okay, bobby's got a program here.

Speaker 3:

Do you?

Speaker 1:

know, what?

Speaker 2:

Oh, my glasses are way over there. Hold on a second, Bobby. I'll have to edit all this out.

Speaker 3:

Do you know what a binary, binary, binarian person?

Speaker 2:

Binarian person. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, how they kill people. Do you know how a binarian person kills people? Uh-uh, they slash them.

Speaker 2:

That is a corny-ass joke.

Speaker 1:

Good Lord.

Speaker 3:

It's a good one.

Speaker 1:

It's corny.

Speaker 3:

Are there any animals?

Speaker 2:

that live forever.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's a question so.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be yes or no. Live forever. I mean, come on Live, come on, live forever. Yeah, yes, you are correct, and then I'm gonna explain it, because this caught me off guard. I was thinking turtles last forever, but they don't live forever. They don't live forever, forever some jellyfish can potentially live infinity lives. Once they are sexually uh, once they are sexually mature, their cells can undergo transformation, differences and injuries, so apparently they can heal themselves. Jellyfish.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't have thought of jellyfish. No, because I've seen so many on the fucking ocean beach. On the beach, on the beach, that's why I won't swim in the ocean most of the time.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know if this is worth saying. David Beckham missed the penalty kick in England's Europe Championship qualification against Portugal in 2004. And the ball went up into the stands and was then sold on eBay. How much did it sell for?

Speaker 3:

200 pounds.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're pretty good because you said pounds, I'm impressed. Yeah 18,700 pounds, which is equivalent to about $25,000 for a freaking soccer ball. I got two balls right here, the size of soccer.

Speaker 3:

I'll let you hold them for 25 just roll a ball to me and you're a kickball.

Speaker 2:

No, but you gotta, you gotta, show it. Yeah, right, why can't you eat cheese that? Why that's moldy? If you can, why can't you eat cheese that's moldy if it, if? If you can eat blue cheese? In other words, why can't you eat cheese that's moldy if you can eat blue cheese? In other words, why can't you eat the moldy cheese but you can eat blue cheese, which is moldy cheese, right, right, yeah, I mean, I'm sure it's something like that yeah, everything else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's some mold-produced toxic substance. However, the mold in blue cheese is harmless. Yeah, I love blue cheese. I, yeah, I love my I'm not going.

Speaker 3:

I don't. I'm a huge fan of it. Like I can take it in small doses, yeah well, probably if it's cooked.

Speaker 2:

You know where I had blue cheese once and I this is going to flip you out blue cheese and tomato soup I.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a soup eater, so I've never ate tomato soup. Oh, you haven't. I don't like tomato soup, oh, period.

Speaker 2:

So I had blue cheese and tomato soup and you know what it tasted like. Ash, no, a grilled cheese sandwich dipped in blue. I guess I can see that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was so good.

Speaker 2:

It was so good, I ordered two bowls.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the only time I eat soup is when I'm sick. Yeah, the only time I eat soup is when I'm sick. Yeah, like I'll have chicken.

Speaker 1:

What's that Chicken noodle yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, why is chicken noodle good for you, for when you're sick? Because grandma said I think it's the protein and the vitamin.

Speaker 3:

C yeah, it's something like that. Yeah, it's something like that. Yeah, yeah, I think it's just the heat Helps to unclog it. No, it just helps you to start sweating shit out.

Speaker 2:

You sweat every time when you get sick yeah.

Speaker 3:

I do Sweat your ass, that's what I'm saying I fucking cover up in every blanket I can and just sweat it the fuck out.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, what's the last question? How much does the skin of an adult human weigh?

Speaker 3:

That you should not know. Just the skin, just the skin, yeah, of Just the skin, just the skin, yeah, of adult human.

Speaker 2:

How much does the skin of adult human weigh? So, if you want to lose weight, just remove all your skin and you'll lose. How many pounds? 30., 7., 7., 7. Wow, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's kind of great.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's not probably that thick. No, I know it's not. I mean, you probably have more.

Speaker 3:

I figure it's bigger people, you know, but it's just the skin is it your penis?

Speaker 2:

all skin?

Speaker 3:

no, well, yeah, so I mean that should be at least 10 pounds of skin nasty ass shaving skin anyways, average.

Speaker 2:

what country has the tallest men? Oh, I would never think I said tallest, not shortest.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Pretty close. The Netherlands, netherlands. Yeah, that's pretty good. I'm going to skip some of these, because you know how much less sleep per night do new parents get during the first year? Oh, this is good. Oh, so this is good. I have to share this with you how much less sleep, how much less sleep than you and I get, versus new parents.

Speaker 3:

In like a percentage-wise no hours it has an hours on average. Per night.

Speaker 2:

Per night. Yeah, night, yeah okay so if I get eight, you get how many less? Probably four less one to two hours less on average oh okay, depending on your kid, but on average, right? I mean, that's pretty interesting, yeah, yeah, but we all know, yeah I mean, but that's because you guys are splitting it up. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, it depends yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because you could have a kid that couldn't sleep Right. Are there any examples of animals that commit suicide?

Speaker 3:

Oh yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, animals act according to their survival instincts.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so there's not any animals that commit suicide.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's surprising.

Speaker 3:

Well, and the only reason I said yes is because I was thinking birds, but they're just thinking their survival instinct and running into the window because they see themselves.

Speaker 2:

Who was it we were talking about?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that was the neighbor.

Speaker 2:

He has it all boarded up. He looks like he's homeless, anyways, because he's trying to hide from the neighbor. He has it all boarded up. He looks like he's homeless, anyways, because he's trying to hide from the birds. So we'll stop here and give a quick break and so you guys can get your ice cold. Next one, we're going to do H&F, which is the peanut butter one, but we just finished the RS Irish Red Light, which we both scored about eight-ish Eight yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's pretty good. It was good. Yeah, it was good. It just has a little bit of a bitterness.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so grab your nice ice cold one and we'll see you right back. Welcome back. We're here with our H&F peanut milk stop.

Speaker 3:

Out of South Carolina, north Carolina North.

Speaker 2:

Carolina, north Carolina. I can't get mine open, that little tap's tight man it's fucking good it is. You already got it? Huh, I did. Oh, okay, Does it taste like a peanut M&M? That's what I'm thinking. Ooh, it's got a Wait. I got to give it a minute, though I don't get the peanut butter flavor.

Speaker 3:

I get more of a coffee.

Speaker 2:

Yes but that's the stout part of it.

Speaker 3:

Right, that's the stout part of it.

Speaker 2:

Non-sharing size.

Speaker 3:

This is the non-sharing size.

Speaker 2:

That's what it says on the can.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I would share this. I would share this. This is a lot 16 ounce. I mean it's good, but I'm not sold yet.

Speaker 3:

It is good. Yeah, we've had worse.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

We've had stronger tasting.

Speaker 1:

More chocolate flavor on some right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I feel this is more chocolate.

Speaker 2:

It is a chocolate, but it's a little bit toned down, isn't?

Speaker 3:

it. This is like a baker's chocolate, you think, is what I get on my tongue.

Speaker 2:

I get a little bit of peanut butter. I'm getting a little bit of peanut butter. I'm hoping the peanut butter could get more, I want to say I'm more of a baker's chocolate At this moment, right At this moment, yeah and just yeah it just Well. We're about to enter that time that Bobby likes and he always is so creative to come up with something.

Speaker 3:

Mix that up.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you think.

Speaker 3:

Oh, maybe a glass. Oh, swirl that around.

Speaker 2:

I'm too high yet.

Speaker 3:

Swirl that around, Because I just got a huge, like good peanut butter.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's what I was hoping for. Yeah, yeah, okay, bobby, this is for you. Yeah, okay, bobby, this is for you. Bobby, come down on stage, for the men are waiting for you. Swing it, swing it. They're looking for you, bobby. Bobby, swing it, swing it. He's got it taped between his taint he's got it taped up for you guys. He's ready to go. Oh my, what we do to him? Gotta get my class on.

Speaker 3:

Oh shit, okay so, anyway, he wanted a new nickname. What was he want to be? Safety bob. Yes, how corny is that we We'll call him Taped Taint Bob.

Speaker 2:

Considering all the big screen movies that you have ever seen, which one do you believe had the greatest emotional impact on you? Emotional impact, oh, you know what. That's hard, ain't it?

Speaker 3:

No, actually.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You got one right away. I do have one right away away. What the hell was the?

Speaker 2:

name of the movie, though. No, no wisdom, wisdom, I don't remember that movie was about.

Speaker 3:

It was called wisdom, and for some reason I cried at this movie when I was a young kid.

Speaker 2:

I don't know the movie. You'll have to explain it.

Speaker 3:

So it was Demi Moore, okay, and Charlie Sheen's brother, emilio Esmus, oh, oh, and they're basically a Bonnie and Clyde. Oh For the poor people.

Speaker 2:

Kind of like a.

Speaker 3:

Robin Hood, Kind of-ish type thing, and that movie made me cry, dude. And then at the end of the movie he woke up and you didn't know if it was all fucking him just laying in the pool. I've never seen that movie Wish it no wisdom, wisdom, it's called wisdom. That's pretty cool. That movie Like I was young, like is a 1980 something movie. Yeah, like I was really young yeah.

Speaker 2:

That is for some reason. I stay with you.

Speaker 3:

It stayed with me Like that was one of my top movies for a long time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, now you would go back, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Actually, now that you asked me that I would like to see if I could even find it.

Speaker 2:

I doubt if you could even find it. Oh, you could probably Google it, yeah, but you'd probably pay for it Wisdom.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it was kind of cool. I it was probably one of both of their first movies huh and I didn't. I know it was amelia estevez, but I might be wrong on demi more, but yeah well checking out mine is.

Speaker 2:

I don't. It's not really a movie, but it's a series kind of a movie. It's Band of Brothers. I could see that I catch myself going back and watching that series and then I used to watch it almost like yearly.

Speaker 2:

I haven't watched it in a little bit but, uh, I guess it's just because the, uh, the, the relationships and bonds that you make with yeah with the uh, military that, and then it makes me miss my military friends, right, you know, right so and I think that takes me and then it kind of you know what I I mean Because they have that, and then just the whole storyline of what they went through you know in each one, right, yeah, some of the shows I mean some of the series part were better than the others, but for the overall, you know, I want to say, and I know I've said this before, I think my dad, my stepdad, oh yeah, used to watch Bicennial, bicentennial, every year.

Speaker 3:

It was on USA. I think, yeah, and you watch it.

Speaker 2:

It was like a maybe that was his movie.

Speaker 3:

That it was, it was like it was like he wasn't in the war. He wasn't allowed to go Cause he got his air blow or your drum, your drum blow, yeah, but, and so it was bicentennial. So it was like it was a series on USA. It showed up on TV once a year and he would make us watch this every fucking year you didn't have the same connection.

Speaker 3:

No, I didn't at the time. Yeah, but now I'm, like you could see, say like I would probably watch it now, yeah you know what I mean red dawn too.

Speaker 2:

Remember the red.

Speaker 3:

I mean red, not red, the first one, not two, but I used to play so many games like uh, as like before, video games. Yeah, like me, my friends would be out there playing Red Dawn. Yes, and like oh, fuck you Russians yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because you could imagine. That happening.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then how they survive. I mean, that's a classic Do we used to?

Speaker 3:

draw lines like okay, now it's spring. Yeah, Not everybody will get that one Like okay, now it's spring, you know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean.

Speaker 3:

Not everybody will get that one, but I mean, that's we. I used to full on, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That was a good one, and it wouldn't get you motivated, oh, just fucking that would bring the red, white and blue right out of you, right, We'd just be running around.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, die die Dude in the. We'd just be running around Die die Dude in the wintertime in the state park. Yeah, dude, we'd just run around that place. Everybody was dead All the kids around here would be like yeah, we're down there just looking, and what's funny about it is none of them were on the bad team. We're all on the same team just pretending to kill people.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there's some rushes.

Speaker 3:

And then that guy would have a good or that kid would have a good idea. Oh yeah, get down, that's fine. I imagine these things were great back then.

Speaker 2:

I'm surprised they haven't came out with a new modern red red dawn. They didn't. I didn't know there was a two out is there?

Speaker 3:

I. I don't know if they called it a part two. No, they just called it red dawn.

Speaker 2:

Oh, red dawn and it was a more.

Speaker 3:

It was just a remake. Oh, a remake, yeah with.

Speaker 2:

Uh, it must not been as well be or it was okay. Yeah, yeah, I see it, it was okay, the one back in the day was yeah, dude, everybody loves you, right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was great, dude. Honestly, think about it. That's the story tonight. What would you do if you've seen a bunch of fucking Russians dropping out of the sky Sky?

Speaker 2:

dropping. Yeah, Well, you know why America doesn't get invaded Because we have too many fucking armed people. Yeah, too many people have weapons yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's exactly why yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because before you even met the military, everybody would be shooting you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's what's weird about how that, but that was back in the 80s.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like that, but that was back in the 80s, yeah yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Like I mean, it was a good, yeah it was.

Speaker 2:

It was a good concept, yeah, but you know I like well, you seen even the kids. They went to the parents house and got the shotgun, yeah, yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

And that's exactly what would happen yeah, yeah, but you know you drop an emp, drop an EMP these days, oh yeah, these days. Could you actually? You know what I mean, I'm sorry, our youth isn't up to what they were back in the 80s.

Speaker 2:

They rely on you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You'd have families. Good luck, I ain't got enough food.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know what I'm saying, though I mean there's plenty out there that are yes but at the end of the day, the city kids plenty enough that are coming up different way they're coming up in a different way, they need to watch red Dawn, right.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah.

Speaker 3:

What are you going to do, buddy? Well, you ain't going to flip that cheeseburger anymore. Stop, stop.

Speaker 2:

You're going to be flipping it for the Russians, right? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

That was a good one. That was a good one.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, that was for Bobby Bobby here you go.

Speaker 3:

Tape it under Bob. Tape it under Bob. That's his new nickname. Tape it under Bob. Tape it under Bob. That's his new nickname. Tape it under Bob.

Speaker 2:

Tape it under Bob.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

They don't want to make him too happy. Anyways, with his new name, he's going to love it.

Speaker 3:

Tape it under Bob.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, tp Bob, tp Bob, tape it.

Speaker 1:

No, tu Tape it under tape t-u-b, t-i-u, t-i whatever we'll figure it out, we'll figure it under tape, it under bob, yeah t-u-t-i-u bob.

Speaker 2:

So many people were texting me like on that last one where we were trying to come up with the what was it? I can't even think of it. Ipa, okay, well, that one drink, remember? We were trying to come up with the initials for that one thing, but so many people were hitting me up.

Speaker 3:

You got that all wrong. You're a fucking idiot.

Speaker 2:

That's why we do the show, you know? Yeah, anyways, uh, what do we do now? We don't do. We did the things you should know jokes. You did already terrible jokes, but uh, uh, what is it um?

Speaker 3:

things you should I had one more joke oh my, really wanted to say I could not figure it out I can't remember it at all. I really wanted to say this joke though, too.

Speaker 2:

It was so funny anything interesting happened to you this past week? Um no, I mean, it was nice having you it was.

Speaker 3:

It was nice to have good weather for a minute, yeah I would agree, and it was nice to have the.

Speaker 2:

Actually the. The eclipse was a beautiful day, wasn't it? Um, it was I sat outside and I just, I just enjoyed it.

Speaker 3:

You know it was, it was so nice now I want, I do want to ask, because you are a little more south than I am yeah, uh, did it get real cloudy down there?

Speaker 2:

no, oh dude, ours clouded up as soon as it went to tot, ours clouded up as soon as it went to totality.

Speaker 3:

we clouded up up here? No, we had it perfect.

Speaker 2:

You know, it was really nice. It was sunny, I could see the whole thing, and we sat outside for hours. I smoked a cigar and drank beers. It was a good time. Anyways, just so you guys know, I won't be here for the next two weeks. I know that makes everybody sad, fuck yes, I mean yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. We do a better job than you and Bobby I know, it's going to be rough. It's going to be rough, I'm going to have to get people in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we'll have to bring wives over.

Speaker 2:

No, don't do it. We don't need to lose people.

Speaker 3:

No, we'll bring over other wives.

Speaker 2:

We'll bring topless women over, so make sure you join in the show next week, as we have topless women.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Bob just naked.

Speaker 1:

He's close enough. Yeah, they're big enough.

Speaker 2:

He's got like small wood Oreo Little she-man.

Speaker 1:

He's got like penny dollar pancake looking titties.

Speaker 2:

We're laughing because we know it's true. Right, but you know we're twins. I do not have Mine are tiny and nice and manly. No, they're not. Shh Don have. Mine are tiny and nice and manly no, they're not. Shh Don't. Ricks aren't like that. Anyways, anything going on, I will be traveling a little bit, so no, I like I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I'm just trying to figure out Thursdays that I can leave to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you don't need to leave. We still do the show without you here, I know. Yeah, we just sit in your chair butt naked.

Speaker 3:

I know I can feel it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you feel it and smell it, smell it, smell it, smell it, smell it. Well, I'm gonna ask you why you have your pan out there. Were you cooking something the other day?

Speaker 3:

that, oh, I did yeah, I, well, I did a couple weeks ago. I, I did the corned beef over the open fire.

Speaker 2:

And that turned out good, huh oh it turned out great.

Speaker 3:

And then last week I was going to use the Dutch oven and I ended up doing just a really big-ass cast iron pan.

Speaker 2:

Oh, over the fire, though Over the fire yeah, and it was just.

Speaker 3:

you put a layer of onion down, thin sliced onions on top of that, and then chicken on top of that, and then you did a mixture of table cream, which I didn't know what that was. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is either. It's a real thick cream. It's like cream cream or like yeah, you could make it. Oh, like you add butter to heavy whipping cream or whatever.

Speaker 3:

I ended up doing it out of cottage cheese I have a mercenar fire, yeah, and just immersified cottage cheese into a liquid, uh, two eggs butter and a little bit of butter, stuff like that, and then you dump that all over there and I let it cook for a couple hours.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was fucking really good, now let me ask you the reason they put the onions on, because that was a little weird.

Speaker 3:

That's what I thought too, because you would think the chicken would go first, right, and this was supposed to be baked. Oh, so, like I'm trying to figure out a new thing, different things for camping you know what I mean. So when you go, camping.

Speaker 2:

You can try these things out.

Speaker 3:

Right, I was like all right, fuck it. I was like well, let's just, they did burn oh they did burn, oh, they did the onions did burn in the middle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not going to lie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Like it was like, but everything else turned out really good.

Speaker 2:

I was wondering about the cream because if you put the cream, butter and what you're talking about, it should have melted down. Yeah, it did.

Speaker 3:

And it did. I don't think I had enough cream this over it, yeah that's one more is what the problem was um. It was still excellent like cream.

Speaker 2:

Anytime you talk about cream is going to be buttermilk. Ish right, right. And buttermilk, or whatever, is going to burn at a certain point of heat yeah, but I like I was keeping it.

Speaker 3:

It was like an off site oh oh, okay, okay okay, you know, I mean like I, like, I knew like I was pushing coals over to the side over to it to just kind of kind of bake it. Yeah, you know, because they said bake it at 350 for like 45 minutes or whatever and you're trying to do and I'm trying to do it outside because we do a lot of camping.

Speaker 2:

You know, one time on the show I would love to have you make like peach cobbler or blackberry preferably blackberry cobbler Dutch oven where they put the blackberries. They have that sauce, and then the breading goes on top. I would have to try that Because they sell it at, like carnivals and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, right, and they make batches and then it's good with ice cream no, I get what you're saying, like I'm not a big sweets guy, so I don't make shit like that. Oh like I like so, but like I do have another recipe that I do want to try, which is basically baking something, but with a lot of other shit on top of it, so is it sweet. No no.

Speaker 2:

I'm into sweet shit, I know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and like I'm not a big sweets guy, so I— you can make it for me. Yeah, so no I— Get a fire out there, no dude, I'll make you—I guarantee you, I can make you something in the Because I would go to in Texas.

Speaker 2:

We would go over to. They had the Christmas thing, okay, and during the Christmas thing one thing they had was they would make peach and blackberry cobbler over ice cream like Dutch oven In the Dutch oven. Yeah, and it didn't take long.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no it won't, no, because.

Speaker 2:

and then it would scoop it up and put it in a cup with some ice cream.

Speaker 3:

Now, do you remember if they have coals on top?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they did.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, they put coals on top, which would cook the breading or whatever it cooks evenly, yeah, yeah they would scoop it on.

Speaker 3:

See a lot of my Dutch oven. That I do, yeah is hanging from the thing right above the fire. Well, they had it hanging.

Speaker 2:

But then they but they take coals and put it. Or maybe they set it inside and they put coals. They buried it yeah, you can there's multiple different ways.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, like. And I have two different dutch dutch ovens. Yeah, I have one with a lip that will hold the coals for baking, yeah. And then I have my parents' Dutch oven that they've been using since I was probably five years old.

Speaker 2:

And that's the main one you use. You think Mostly, yeah. So the thing about it is it actually had the blackberries had like a creamy. It wasn't, they were, they had a sauce to it or the peaches.

Speaker 3:

I would have to figure out the sauce. I know it was.

Speaker 2:

I see it was real quick, they dumped something in their butter.

Speaker 3:

Blah, blah, blah, yeah no, yeah, I would have to figure out the recipe, but I guarantee you I could do it, guarantee you I could get it I'm hoping to have the next show when I come back.

Speaker 2:

I'll see you in three weeks. Yeah, you will see me in three weeks, it'll be may anyway, it'll be.

Speaker 3:

May it'll be a nice day and you guys get the fire going and I'll be all happy I'll make you a little cream sauce special.

Speaker 2:

You know I do that noise, yeah, and my wife said she doesn't like it. I did not know that.

Speaker 3:

Well, I just don't understand how you do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he does it all weird, I know, but my wife hates it. I said I'm going to haunt her ass with it. Anyways, we didn't rate this beer, by the way.

Speaker 3:

I know we're getting there.

Speaker 2:

I know. So what do you think about the peanut butter? I've, we're getting there, I know so what do you think about the peanut butter? I mean I, I've been swirling at trying to get the dude. I got a good flavor of it at one time, but then it just turns right back. It turns yeah, it's. It's mostly chocolate. It has a slight slight, slight slight peanut butter flavor, slight do you think it's sweet? It is sweet. I think it's sweet. It is sweet, I think it's sweet.

Speaker 3:

I think it's a little sweet too. I think it's sweet. But not too overly sweet. No, but it still drops down to that baker's chocolate. Yeah, it has that bitterness kind of very slight though yeah, I mean it's a good beer. Yeah, I would probably buy it again.

Speaker 2:

You would keep it, though, or no? I mean, that's the question. I mean, I, I like it, but I, if I seen it, I don't know if I would jump right out and buy it again. My no, no see, I'm with you I, you know I'm getting through it. I'm not. No See, I'm with you, I'm getting through it. I'm not minding it. But if I'm at a bar and he says you want another one, sir Rick, do you want another one?

Speaker 2:

No, no, yeah, no, go ahead, let me try something else, something else, yeah, I mean, and I'm going to give it a solid eight.

Speaker 3:

You, I consolidate you. How does it say yeah? Yeah, I mean it's not bad, it's good, I mean we've had better, just like the other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not bad, depending on your taste and everything else yeah, but overall I'm like I mean it even a little bit chalkiness, don't you think it's chalky?

Speaker 3:

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but that chalkiness is almost peanut butter.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm thinking, but you know, I don't know if it's possible to get such a peanut butter flavor in a coffee, because you would want to do it with a stout, because the stout would give you the chocolate right. Well, you're trying to get like that, yeah, but this is a stop, this one, I'm saying but the peanut butter, how do you step up the peanut butter flavor to get it to?

Speaker 3:

because imagine if this was really peanut buttery like a, a reesey cup so I guess the question is how do you make a peanut butter stout with chocolate, or yeah, you know what I mean like, how, like, what is the beans? So you want more peanut butter flavor right like, instead of doing a stout, yeah which is gonna be, which is gonna be all coffee or chocolate or whatever. How do you do that? With a peanut butter or a peanut whatever?

Speaker 2:

yeah, to make it taste like peanut butter and then add the chocolateness it's where it's not as bad, right, so you get more peanut butter flavor on the front end yeah, now I don't think you can do a peanut butter ale or peanut butter, you know what I mean, I, I, we don't know that that's the thing.

Speaker 3:

Like, like. Is that the thing that we just need to buy A system and try to make?

Speaker 2:

a peanut butter ale.

Speaker 3:

No, just not even a system, just a five-gallon bucket. You know what I mean. Do a charboil, do a boil and all that and try to figure out and be the first ones. Do we just go get a bunch of Jiffy and just run fucking alcohol through? Jiffy all the time, yeah, and all the dogs come over, and the women All the women you got peanut butter. Yeah, you got peanut butter. You got peanut butter. We like peanut butter.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

How do you do that? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

That's the million dollar question. Right yeah, Because it would make you probably a million dollars it probably would. Yeah, anyways, we got any last thoughts. No, we got to do the end of the day, oh, end of the day.

Speaker 3:

End of the day, we did a red, yeah, red light.

Speaker 2:

Right Red light R-Shire yeah R-S R-Shire R-She R-She yeah, we don't have it in front of us so we're trying to remember, yeah we're trying to remember, and now, after we drank, and we both gave it eights.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was good.

Speaker 2:

It was good. It had a real caramel flavor, the caramel flavor is amazing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it is so good but it still comes down to an eight because they had a really bad bitter taste to it and dried out and dried out.

Speaker 1:

Didn't it not dry out in your mouth? Yeah, and dried you out, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then we went to this H&F, yeah, which is, we gave it an eight, but I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Is an eight too strong for you? No, I think it's high or low. I mean it's good, you want to go eight and a half, then I would like to go eight and a half. Pump and a half. Yeah, you can change your mind.

Speaker 3:

No, just because at the end, at the bottom of it, I got I wonder if we should have poured it. Oh, it did have the symbol it did have the symbol. Yeah, so like we might be shorting you guys here, a point here, so we'll go eight and a half but yeah, eight and a half, still it's still eight and a half and yeah, it's a good beer. I'm not gonna lie like I would like to try another beer from them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think we do have others. Yeah, but anyways we didn't get anything, princess, tonight.

Speaker 3:

But everything's princess.

Speaker 2:

Everything's princess, but anyways, at the end of the day we call it what no?

Speaker 3:

what You're. Another reason to drink. Oh, another reason to drink Dude, 70 degrees. The other day it was beautiful, it's nice out, but it's raining.

Speaker 2:

I got my lawn mowed.

Speaker 3:

I noticed your lawn was flat. Did you mow your lawn? No, see Everybody around here mowed their lawn.

Speaker 2:

They did. I'm trying to let mine grow. I did weed and feed, oh, and I put some seed down now I do have to admit bob came over and rolled by.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he did, but I mowed it before he got here.

Speaker 2:

That was good, yeah, yeah, so he said he worked out a couple areas where people drove up.

Speaker 3:

You know, garbage, the garbage people, yeah damn they just rode right down the edge of the rock.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and tear it up.

Speaker 3:

I'm like, well, which is fine until I go to mow it, yeah, and then it's all bumpy. I'm like what the fuck? No, it's like a trench.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm like what the fuck dude?

Speaker 3:

Right here, so I moved everything.

Speaker 2:

He hooked you up.

Speaker 3:

Way out. Yeah, he moved everything. He hooked you up Way out, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, we've been trying to level it out, level it out for the last two years, you ain't getting it, but yeah, another reason to drink was I mean I'm glad this is the end of my week, the fuck.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the end of your week. For two weeks A week You're getting out partying, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Billy's coming back with like dreadlocks, yeah, and I have no hair, yeah he said it's my private areas.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's gonna have like beads shit like weaved into his balls like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'd be like love, love you man, Love you man.

Speaker 3:

Love you more, man Love you more man, I'm not Bobby.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, any last words, any last thoughts Don't drink and drive, and God bless you all. Peace, thank you.